Quick guide on setting up the OpenStack Juno release in an all in one server with one NIC using RDO. This is configured for Neutron networking with floating IPs.

My setup: CentOS 7 minimal, IP:

By default NetworkManager will be running and controlling our NICs. packstack will complain about this later so disable and stop the service.

Next we’ll update some stuff, install the RDO Juno repo and install packstack.

Now we install OpenStack. I didn’t check what –allinone installs by default so I explicitly flag Nagios to no and yes to Heat.

Next steps are the same in my previous guide. Change your physical NIC (ifcfg-p4p1) as needed.

Add the following to the /etc/neutron/plugin.ini file

Networking should be setup from the host side. Now we can setup the OpenStack side of networking. I’d recommend creating a new tenant, but if you are using the ‘admin’ tenant, delete all routers/networks. Remember to set your floating IP range outside your DHCP range.

Allow ICMP and SSH.

At this point you should be able to spin up a cirros instance to test and assign floating IPs to the instance.